NATURE project receives Wings Award for Best Strategic Partnership in Higher Education project

We are pleased to announce that our Erasmus+ project NATURE: Serious Games for Responsible Natural Resources Management has been awarded the ERASMUS + “Wings” Quality Award by the State Agency for Educational Development (VIAA). This is a quality award of the EU program for education, training, youth and sport Erasmus+, which is awarded for the development of high-quality projects and the implementation of sustainable projects.

Project NATURE was implemented by Latvian Cultural College (Latvia), Tallinn University (Estonia), University of Vigo (Spain), Virtual Campus (Portugal), EUTrack (Italy), and the University of Thessaly Creative Technologies Learning Lab research team (Greece) that was also the project technical lead on game design and implementatjon.

The Quality Award of the Erasmus+ program “Wings” confirms excellence – not only in the project ideas and their implementation, but also in the values that permeate them. These projects significantly enrich the soil of the educational environment, where not only the acquisition of knowledge takes place, but also the growth and development of our society, which is ready to innovate. The award symbolizes the courage to embrace new ideas and the commitment to shape our future in a sustainable way” emphasized ERASMUS + program director Zane Gailīte.