The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the University of Thessaly (THMMY), and more specifically the Creative Technologies Learning Lab (http://ctll.e-ce.uth.gr) research group, organizes a free digital skills training program aimed at adults over 40 years old from 11 to 13 July 2022. The training program takes place in the computer laboratory of the new building of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, which the department makes available in the context of extroversion and connection with society.

Digital skills are essential in today’s interconnected world, where the use of digital applications and services in both professional activities and everyday life is commonplace. However, as a result of the digital divide, namely wide differences in digital competences among individuals and/or groups, not all fully benefit from the digital age. The recognition of the importance of digital skills in today’s world has led to a wide variety of digital knowledge development educational offerings that address diverse groups, such as children. However, similar programs aimed at adults over the age of 40 are rare.

The SilverCoders training program aims to address the inadequate availability of digital skills training programs that target adults. Forty-five individuals participate in the training program. In the span of 3 days, trainees actively engage in experiential learning seminars related to the internet, online services, and their safe use, IPRs in the digital age, image processing, content creation with popular digital applications, as well as the understanding of basic programming principles through the design and development of simple digital games.

The training programme is organised in the framework of the SilverCoders (https://silvercoders.eu/) research project funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission and implemented from 2021 to 2023. In addition to the University of Thessaly the project consortium includes educational organizations from Sweden, Portugal, Spain, and Romania.