The second consortium meeting of Erasmus+ project VIE: Virtual Presence in Higher Education took place in Volos on September 9-10, 2021. The meeting took place in hybrid mode, with some partners attending in person and some attending virtually due to COVID-19 restrictions. All partners were represented in the meeting, namely Tallinn University (Estonia), Tampere University (Finland), University of Vigo (Spain), Virtual Campus (Portugal), Advanced Technology Systems (Romania), and the University of Thessaly Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Creative Technology Learning Lab (

Project VIE ( focuses on the design and implementation of collaborative learning services that support group collaboration digitally or in class in higher education. The partners worked on the identification of learning requirements for the design of the proposed learning services and on the design of a platform that allows students to work collaboratively from a distance, to create digital project spaces that are jointly owned by team members, to share ideas digitally, to categorize and group ideas for high lighting patterns in problem-solving, to communicate digitally, and more.