MUTUAL project multiplier event, June 4, 2019

CTLL organized on June 4, 2019 a multiplier event to promote the results of the MUTUAL project to the target sector of preschool and early primary school education. The event was organized in collaboration with the Primary Education Authorities of the area of Magnesia. The event activities included a presentation of the project and a presentation of multicultural activities developed in the course of the project in Greece, the UK, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, and Sweden. In addition, the program included presentations from teachers at the schools where the evaluation activities took place in Greece, which were the//3^rd Kindergarten of Iolkos, the 2^nd Kindergarten of Artemida,the 2^nd All day kindergarten of Milies – Kala Nera,the 10^th and 12th Kindergartens of Nea Ionia, and the 11th and 12th Kindergartens of Volos.//The presentations of the educators made the event dynamic, allowing their experiences from their engagement with MUTUAL to be presented to their peers. The event closed with a workshop that engaged the entire audience in group work on the design of intercultural education activities for preschool or early primary education. Each group brainstormed, and then presented their work to the entire audience.

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