ICT-INOV project instructor training event at the Evening Vocational High School of Volos 8/3/2024

An instructor training event was delivered in the context of project ICT-INOV to erducators of the Evening Vocational High School of Volos on March 8, 2024. The purpose of the event was to train the school's educators on emerging learning design and good practices in the context of professional development. A full design thinking session was delivered by University of Thessaly researchers to 20 students. Ten educators of he Evening Vocational High School of Volos observed the session to draw inspiration for enriching their practices see more
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ICT-INOV project meeting in Kuala Lumpur 9-11/1/2024

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the University of Thessaly, and specifically the Creative Technologies Learning Lab (http://ctll.e-ce.uth.gr) visited the University of Malaya and University Tenaga Nasional in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in the framework of a scheduled collaboration meeting of the research project ICT-INOV: Modernizing ICT Education for Harvesting Innovation funded by the Capacity Building in Higher Education Erasmus+ program supports research collaboration for knowledge transfer from European universities to educational institutions in developing countries. The ICT-INOV research project aims to develop innovation skills in computer science and technology students by applying emerging processes of design thinking, a deeply human-centred methodology that contributes to introducing solutions to difficult challenges through empathy and ideation. The meeting gave the opportunity to the Creative Learning Lab to collaborate with 11 universities…
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ICT-INOV project webinar on robotics as educational innovation 19/12/2023

A webinar titled Unveiling Educational Robotics: Design and Deployment of an Open-Source Programmable Bot was delivered in the context of the ICT-INOV: Modernizing Higher Education for Harvesting Innovation (http://ictinov-project.eu) webinar series on December 19, 2023. The webinar was delivered by Dr. Alden Dochshanov by EUTrack (Italy). See more on the webinar, including the webinar video
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INCLUDEME project digital skills workshop with Second Chance School of Volos, December 7, 2023

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), and specifically the Creative Learning Technologies (http://ctll.e-ce.uth.gr) team, organized a digital skills workshop for the students of the Second Chance School. The event was organized in the context of project INCLUDEME: Inclusive Digital Environments for Quality Education of Disadvantaged and Disabled Learners, funded by the Erasmus+ program. The activity took place in the department's computer room on Thursday, December 7, 2023. More than 20 students participated, accompanied by the Director of the Second Chance School Mr. Lino Vigla and teachers of the school as well as the Director of Nea Ionia High School Mr. Antonis Plageras. Students had the opportunity to participate in experiential active learning activities that increase presentations, classroom interaction, and collaboration. They implemented exercises in language, mathematics, science, history,…
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DigiMat project summer school on materials enginereering in Poland, 9 – 16/7/2023

DigiMat project summer school on materials engineering in Poland The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the University of Thessaly (ECE), and specifically the Creative Technologies Learning Lab (http://ctll.e-ce.uth.gr) research group, participated in the organization of a summer school on materials engineering addressed to higher education students and held at the Technical University of Lodz in Poland. The summer school took place on July 9 – 16, 2023. It was attended by 12 students and 8 mentors from European universities see more
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ICT-INOV project instructor training at the University of Malaya 22 – 23/3/2023 and 4 – 5/7/2023

Instructor training on deploying design thinking continues in project ICT-INOV: Modernizing Higher Education for Harvesting Innovation. Two more events were organized by the University of Malaya, Malaysia , an ICT-INOV project partner, engaging 25 instructors. The events took place on March 22 - 23, 2023 and July 4 - 5, 2023. Participants were from the Departments of Software Engineering, AI, Information Science, and Engineering see event in March see event in July
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ICT-INOV piloting at Hanoi University, Vietnam, spring 2023

Our Erasmus+ project ICT-INOV: Modernizing Higher Education for Harvesting Innovation develops a digital learning intervention for fostering collaboration among higher education students. We are very proud that the project solution is used in courses at Hanoi University, Vietnam, a partner in the ICT-INOV consortium. The project is a collaboration of 12 universities, 8 of which are located in Asia and 4 in Europe see more
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ICT-INOV project webinar Prompt Engineering: Making Generative AI Work for You, 20/7/2023

Announcing ICT-INOV: Modernizing ICT Education for Harvesting Innovation project webinar Prompt Engineering: Making Generative AI Work for You. The webinar will be delivered on July 20, 2023 by Prof. Mutee U Raman from ISRA University. The webinar will focus on AI advances and their benefits. About the presenter: Dr. Rahman actively contributes to the development of NLP tools and resources. He published more than 40 articles. He also serves as a consulting and development member of the NLP pipeline for Sindhi in the Open Source Stanza framework, which is an initiative led by Stanford University. Dr. Rahman is a founding Society for Natural Language Processing Pakistan member see more
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