ICT-INOV project webinar Prompt Engineering: Making Generative AI Work for You, 20/7/2023

Announcing ICT-INOV: Modernizing ICT Education for Harvesting Innovation project webinar Prompt Engineering: Making Generative AI Work for You. The webinar will be delivered on July 20, 2023 by Prof. Mutee U Raman from ISRA University. The webinar will focus on AI advances and their benefits. About the presenter: Dr. Rahman actively contributes to the development of NLP tools and resources. He published more than 40 articles. He also serves as a consulting and development member of the NLP pipeline for Sindhi in the Open Source Stanza framework, which is an initiative led by Stanford University. Dr. Rahman is a founding Society for Natural Language Processing Pakistan member see more
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ICT-INOV project community building event in Estonia, 18/4/2023

A project ICT-INOV: Modernizing ICT education for Harvesting Innovation (http://ictinov-project.eu) community building event was organized by Tallinn University, a consortium partner, at the University of Life Sciences (EMÜ) in Tartu on April 18, 2024. The purpose of the event was to raise awareness on ICT-INOV project objectives, methodologies, and outcomes. During the event, which included several sessions, the audience had the opportunity to become familiar with design thinking, to be exposed to suggested related exercises, and to deploy the ICT-INOV digital learning platform for collaboration. The event was attended by over 50 individuals., mostly teaching staff see more
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ICT-INOV project webinar Education in Emergengy: The Role of Emerging and Disruptive Technologies, 22/5/2023

A webinar took place on May 22, 2023 titled Education in Emergency: Role of Emerging and Disruptive Technologies. The webinar was delivered by Dr. Manish Pokharel, Dean of the School of Engineering at the University of Kathmandu. The webinar focused on educational challenges in developing countries and discussed how emerging technologies can contribute reaching educational objectives and empowering students to become the problem-solvers of tomorrow. About the presenter Prof. Dr. Manish Pokharel Manish Pokharel is a Professor and Dean of the School of Engineering at Kathmandu University. He has been working at Kathmandu University since early 1996. His interests include artificial intelligence, personalized learning, and active learning at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. He was involved as Principal Investigator (PI) in Capacity Building in Higher Education project Active…
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INCLUDEME project piloting and instructor training 18/3/2023

A piloting and instructor training event for project INCLUDEME took place on March 18, 2023. The event was attended by 30 students and educators from the 2nd Evening Vocational Hich School of Volos. The participants had the opportunity to reflect on the importance of inclusive education. In addition, participants used the INCLUDEME project digital learning platform and educational activities that promote interactivity and inclusiveness in the classroom through adjustable user interfaces and relevant content. More specifically, participants were exposed to interactive exercises based on visual representations, including pattern matching, word discovery, interactive videos, and more. The exercises aimed to build skills and knowledge on languages and science education.
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ICT-INOV instructor training event 3/5/2023

The 4th instructor training event for project ICT-INOV was organized in collaboration with the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Thessaly on May 3, 2023. The event was organized in hybrid mode and had a duration of 1 hour. The event was streamed live through YouTube® and the Diavlos platform, in two parallel streams. It was also delivered through MSTeams®. Participants The event was attended by over 30 individuals, educators at the Department of Civil Engineering and more. In addition, the video of the event continues to be available on-line in YouTube®, providing the opportunity for more individuals to view it anytime and increasing the number of individuals exposed to the content. Description of activities The audience had the opportunity to be exposed to design thinking and gamification principles,…
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INCLUDEME project instructor training and piloting event with the Special Vocational Education High School of Nea Ionia Volos 24/4/2023

A dual instructor training and piloting event took place on April 24, 2023 in the context of project INCLUDEME. The event was attended by approximately 40 students and 10 educators from the Special Vocational Education High School of Nea Ionia Volos and took place at the computer lab of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the University of Thessaly see more
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